Friday, December 14, 2012

This Week's Barking News Roundup - 12/14/12

Barking dog killed by trap apparently set by neighbor

Excerpt: Police have been called to the home numerous times for complaints about the dog's barking.

Troubleshooters: Barking Dog

Excerpt: Port Aransas Police reports show nearly 20 calls to the address on Whispering Sands Street for a barking dog, many of them from [the bark-beleagured neighbor]. "We would like Animal Control to come pick up the dog, put him in the Port A shelter where it is warm and he'll get a consistent meal, and then wait for the next trial date and let [the judge] make his ruling on the owner and what's supposed to happen with the dog," he told the Troubleshooters.

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From TWBNR's Advice Column Department, we have these two pleas for help. Follow the links to render assistance to these barking-addled people.

Plea #1: I have a neighbor across the street, who has two bigger dogs (I'm  not sure of the breed) who bark endlessly.  It has gotten so annoying during the summer months that I have had to shut my living room window.  I thought that with winter here, and the house locked down tight that it would become less of a nuisance, but I can still hear them bark for hours (and yes some days it is hours I have marked down the times).

Plea #2: Our neighbor (directly above us) has a dog that barks constantly at all hours, but only when the owner is home with the dog. It's become worse over the years and my wife has spoke with the neighbor on a few occasions and we've complained to the condo association about the noise - she now ignores my wife when she sees her outside. 

The Department of Shameless Self-Promotion. I was at a recent outdoor gathering where the next-door neighbor's robo-yapping dog just wouldn't shut up. I expressed my objection to the noise. Neighbor went over to her place and put the dog back in the house. And then she didn't speak to me for the rest of the gathering.

Oh, well. It was probably the first time that she ever heard anyone say anything bad about her dog's barking noise. Classic case of the Dog Owner Entitlement Mentality.

If the Dog Owner Entitlement Mentality is getting on your nerves, head over to the QuietBarkingDogs store.  Plenty of clothing and bumper stickers that quietly make our viewpoint known.

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